Excellent meat taste!Delicious soft snack, suitable for all dogsWith dill to improve mood Complementary dog food Composition: 35% dried salmon, yellow peas, liquid vegetable starch, salmon sauce, poultry liver sauce, collagen, 1% dill, salmon oil. Feeding advice: a semi-wet snack for the ultimate tasty reward and a perfect addition to your dog's daily diet. Give as a daily reward, for positive motivational training or as a snack during communal moments. Make sure there is always plenty of clean water available for your canine companion. Analytical constituents: crude protein 31.0%, fat content 5.0%, moisture content 17.0%, crude ash 6.8%, crude fiber 1.2%, calcium 0.9%, phosphorus 0.8%, omega- 3-fatty acid 0.4%, omega-6 fatty acid 0.5%. With natural preservatives: citric acid, DL-malic acid. Metabolizable energy: 3150 kcal/kg The expiry date is stated on the packaging. Store in a cool and dry place, protected from direct sunlight. Reclose after opening.